
Major features include:
- PlexCrypt is an easy to use graphical based application for securing documents. PlexCrypt supports both asynchronous encryption based on Public-Key-Infrastructure (PKI) and synchronous encryption based on passwords.
- PlexCrypt supports strong encrypting algorithms such as AES, Blowfish, CAST, DES, ElGamal, IDEA, IES, RC4, RC6, RSA, Rijndael, Serpent Skipjack, Twofish, etc.
- PlexCrypt can encrypt more than one file or folders at once and it automatically compress them in a ZIP format and encrypts the ZIP file using PKI-based encryption.
- PlexCrypt can create self-decrypting files, which can be transfered to other users and can be decrypted without installing PlexCrypt.
- PlexCrypt allows users to archive a set of files and folders in ZIP format and extract a ZIP file contents.
- PlexCrypt allows users to digitally sign documents. This signature can be used to validate that original file has not been altered. It supports MD5WithRSAEncryption, SHA1WithRSA/ISO9796-2, MD2WithRSAEncryption, RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption, SHA1WithRSAEncryption, RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption, MD5WithRSA/ISO9796-2 RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2, RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2 algorithms for digital signatures.
- PlexCrypt allows users to create digest or hashcode for a given file using algorithms such as MD5. This also can be used to validate contents of the file, however it does not use PKI-based algorithms.
- PlexCrypt allows users to create, import and export digital certificates and key-pairs. These digital certificates and key-pairs are used for encryption, decryption and digital signing of documents.
- PlexCrypt is available on most of the platforms such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX and other platforms where Java Virtual Machine is available.
Supported Encryption Algorithms
- AESWrap
- Blowfish
- DESede
- DESedeWrap
- ElGamal
- RC2
- RC2Wrap
- RC4
- RC532
- RC564
- RC6
- Rijndael
- Serpent
- Skipjack
- Twofish
Supported Digital Signature Algorithms
- MD5WithRSAEncryption
- SHA1WithRSA/ISO9796-2
- MD2WithRSAEncryption
- RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption
- SHA1WithRSAEncryption
- RIPEMD160WithRSAEncryption
- MD5WithRSA/ISO9796-2
- RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2
- RIPEMD160WithRSA/ISO9796-2