
Vision Statement

Improve software quality and facilitate understanding of the software applications by creating automated test harness, generating documentation and providing feedback with quality metrices.

Mission Statement

  • Improve reliability and quality of both existing and new software applications.
  • Develop an easily extendable and efficient framework that is easy to maintain. The framework will be based on plugable architecture to add capability for adding test, metrices and documentation builders.
  • Identify performance bottlenecks by capturing key performance areas of the system such as throughput, response time and latency related metrices.
  • Integrate with other software quality metrices that provide feedback on software quality and test coverage.


TestPlayer is open-source AOP based toolkit that produces tests and documentation for legacy Java applications. It generates unit, integration, functional, acceptance, regression, timed and performance tests by simply running the application without any modifiction. In addition, it generates depedency diagrams and UML sequence diagrams that help understand dependency between different components of the software. The goal of TestPlayer is to improve software quality and teach writing tests by showing working examples from existing codebase.


Most software has longer lifecycle than original intention. There is abundant software produced before higher emphasis on unit testing. In most cases, a software written without unit testing is harder and more expensive to change. TestPlayer toolkit helps legacy Java applications, i.e., applications without test coverage by automatically generating unit tests and converting collaborating services into mocks. It requires no changes to the application and only requires that user starts the application and performs a set of usage scenarios. In TestPlayer terminology, this is referred to as playing the application. This technique is somewhat similar to some record-and-play tools that records GUI interaction of an application and then plays back the recorded data for performing regression or functional testing. However, that approach uses end to end black box testing and is a fragile because every time the interface changes, the user will have to rerecord the use cases. As opposed to black-box testing by recording the input and output at the external end only, TestPlayer records dynamic behavior of each public method that is invoked as part of usage scenario. In addition, it keeps track of all services that a class is collaborating. This data is then used to create mocks for all collaborating services. TestPlayer uses jMock for mocking collaborating services, which supports mocking both interfaces and concrete classes.

Major Features

Download TestPlayer from https://github.com/bhatti/testplayer.