Trading Floor

Trading Floor

The Trading Floor is a trading game available on iOS devices. It is based on auction-styled stock trading where you trade stocks and options with your friends and family. You play this game as a stock broker with objective of buying stocks at low-price and selling at high-price, thus making most money from the trades.

Major features include:

  • Create private exchanges and share them with your friends. Each exchange starts a new game every day, which can be joined by you and your friends.
  • Buy and Sell Stocks, Call Options and Put Options.
  • Lookup Quotes
  • Browse or Search Companies
  • Browse or Search Industries
  • View Floor Bids
  • Comment on the Games
  • Players are ranked on the profit they make in trading and top players receive special badges
  • News/Events
  • View Portfolio, which shows cash balance, profit made and stocks/options you hold.
  • View Order History
  • Cancel or Edit Order


Build ExchangesJoin a GamePost Bids for TradingAccept Bids on the FloorTop Rankings
You can join exchanges created by your friends or build your exchanges. A unique game is started for each exchange, where member players trade against other member players.A new game is started every-day. You can join a game currently running. When you join a game, you receive $10,000 in cash and portfolio with 10 companies. You can also define your Favorite Companies, so that your initial porfolio will pick stocks from those companies.You can post bid to sell companies from your portfolio or post bid to buy companies by looking up the stock quote.The Floor Bids show all companies available for buy or sell. You can accept the bids that other players have posted for stock/option sell or buy on the Floor Bids.You can watch ranking of top players who have made most money with trading. The top players for each game get special badges that are visible on their player profile.


iPhone Screenshots

Home Screen

Companies Search

Industries Search



Quote Lookup


iPad Screenshots

Home Screen

Around Me Public Companies

Companies Search

Industries Search



Quote Lookup


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